Here is Everything You Should Know about Coronavirus

1. Introduction:

Coronavirus is a new contagious virus that had surfaced in Wuhan China. Coronavirus was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan China, where a large number of people caught pneumonia. Wuhan had a population of 11 million people, and most of them were catching the virus. Coronavirus had spread to over 200 countries and territories in the world and affected 2 million people around the world.

Due to the spread of Coronavirus, the world has worn the mask!


2. What is Coronavirus Disease?

Coronavirus, commonly known as SARS-CoV-2, is part of the single-stranded RNA virus family. It is a family, which is widely known as coronaviridae that usually affects birds, reptiles, and mammals. SARS-CoV-2 is a strain of the coronaviridae that had never been known in history. Coronavirus is a new fatal disease that affects humans and causes the deaths of humans who has a weaker immune system.


3. What is the Incubation Period of Coronavirus?

As Coronavirus is a new disease that has occurred to humans, we have limited knowledge regarding the disease. The incubation period of the coronavirus can be as little as 2 days and as long as 14 days. In a matter of 2 weeks, the coronavirus completely infects the person. Chinese researchers have claimed that the coronavirus can be infectious during its incubation period.


4. Is Coronavirus Disease a Pandemic?

Yes. Coronavirus has been termed a pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020. Coronavirus has infected 200 countries and territories in the world.

Travel is the common factor behind the spread of the coronavirus, which is a contagious disease. When the existence of the virus was not known, people traveled freely in the world. It is suggested that the people traveling in Wuhan China in the month of December 2019 and January 2020 had taken the virus to the entire world. So, coronavirus became a pandemic due to negligence and ignorance of the people. Now, the entire world population is threatened by the pandemic.


5. What Are the Origins of the Coronavirus Pandemic?

It is suggested that the coronavirus pandemic has originated in the food market of Wuhan China. The virus has transferred from animals to humans. Initially, it was being indicated that the virus has supposedly come from the snakes to the humans. However, later another theory surfaced which claimed that the virus had transferred to humans from mammals such as bats and camels. Still, the studies regarding the origins of the coronavirus are vague and unscientific. Further studies need to be conducted to determine the authentic origins of the coronavirus pandemic.


6. How Much Is Coronavirus Disease Contagious?

There have been confirmed cases of person-to-person infections. With each day passing, coronavirus is spreading fast into every corner of the world. Healthcare professionals are fighting battles in the hospitals against the fatal coronavirus disease. It is being suggested that each individual, who is diagnosed with coronavirus, is infecting 1.4 to 2.5 people.


7. How is COVID-19 Diagnosed in a Patient?

Coronavirus affects the respiratory tract. If the person is down with a dry cough and fever. The respiratory symptoms include hoarseness, nasal congestion, sore throat, myalgia, malaise, headaches, etc. If these symptoms are found, then the blood samples are taken for the testing of the COVId-19. If the tests are positive, the person is diagnosed with COVID-19 and kept in an isolated room.

In most severe cases, the COVID-19 patients lose their battles against fatal COVID019 with acute onset of pneumonia, kidney failure, and death.


8. Which Person Qualifies as a Suspected of COVID-19?

The following persons fall in the suspected covid-19 category:

  • Those who have pneumonia
  • Those people who have acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Those who have an influenza-like illness or experiencing the following symptoms:
  • Persistent cough
  • Nasal discharge or congestion
  • Hoarseness
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing


9. Which People Are Not Suspected patients of COVID-19?

Following patients are not suspected patients of the COVID-19:

  • Those who have just flue or cough
  • Those who have a fever only.

These people need to observe self-isolation for 14 days at least. If they are living alone, they must be confined in their house for 2 weeks. If they are sharing a home with their family, the household must keep away from the ill family member for 2 weeks at least.


10. What Are Social Distancing Measures?

Social distancing, as the words suggest, refers to distancing and cutting oneself from social gatherings, meetings, or mingling. Social distancing is currently the only way of fighting the fatal COVID-19. People must remain alert while meeting anybody these days. Governments have launched instructions of social behavior in these tough times; no handshaking, no hugging, or no gathering at all.

Every government in the world has sent workers, employees, and business operators home, having announced the lockdown. Social distancing is being practiced around the world by people in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19. The government has only allowed grocery and necessary daily life items shops to open. All other businesses have been instructed to remain closed until otherwise noticed by the government.


11. How To Protect Yourself Against COVID-19?

There have surfaced a great number of recipes on the internet suggesting that the recipe keeps you immune against coronavirus disease. However, this is a rubbish claim. Here is how you can remain protected against COVID-19:

  • You should wash your hands with a sanitizer every hour, and remain as much sanitized as possible.
  • You must not go outside and meet people. U have to remain inside with people who are not suspected of COVID-19.
  • You should wear protective masks and gloves if you “have to” go outside. You should dispose of them once you are back in the house. Then, you must remove the clothes, take a bath and relax.
  • You must keep drinking a glass of water every hour to keep yourself hydrated. Hydrated throat rinses away the virus.
  • You should not go to hospitals or any other places unnecessarily. You must keep away from hospitals as much as necessary.


12. Is There a Cure of Coronavirus?

Presently, there is no vaccine that treats coronavirus patients, stops the spread of the coronavirus, or reduces the afflictions of coronavirus patients. Scientists and medical staff are conducting research to find the cure for the coronavirus.

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Conclusion: 200 countries and territories around the world are experiencing complete lockdown to fight the spread of the coronavirus. It is unknown what will happen in the future, but we all hope for a day when life becomes normal and the “usual” once again.